Finding a wedding gown is much like finding a husband. The good one are always hard to find, it takes some time to find him/ it, and it's never perfect!
When shopping for a wedding gown it's always right in front of you, but most of us refuse to believe its that easy so we shop some more and then some more until we come to the realization it's been in front of us this whole time! Much like a husband! We go out to all the club, all those parties when all along he was right there, just waiting for us!
So does that mean that by human nature we are bound to try on wedding gowns/ men until we bang our heads into the wall from frustration? Are you the type of women that believe the one will sweep you of your feet?
Is that why divorce rate is through the roof, because we really don't know what we want so we go through life try on men/ gowns and hope for the best!
When we should be clear of what we want and have clear expectations so that when they are met we know this is right for us!
If only it was that easy... Or is it?